Structural Energetic Therapy® (SET) in Orlando

Benefits and Painful Conditions Addressed for Pain Relief

$190 session. Fee is for the session no time. Please plan on up to 2 hours for your treatment, but the length may vary with each session session.

Structural Energetic Therapy® (SET) offered by Creative Bodyworks | Orlando Massage is an advanced type of therapeutic bodywork that incorporates Structural Integration and Cranial Structural Therapy for rehabilitation from Acute and chronic pain and dysfunction for long term relief.

Often chronic painful conditions in the body are the result of structural imbalances caused by myofascial holding patterns, scar tissue, and adhesions that create distortions and dysfunction. Over time these strain patterns lead to painful conditions that interfere with your ability to perform your normal life activities. Imagine being able to resume normal life activities pain free! With the very first session of Structural Energetic Therapy, the body begins to unwind and come into balance. With SET the focus will be to start with the painful area of concern first. Once the pain is reduced, the therapist works to bring the rest of the body out of distortion and into balance to give support for the area released for long lasting results.

For example, in a whiplash injury, the neck muscles are treated and brought back into a more balanced position, resulting in reduced pain. To maintain this balance and achieve the maximum reduction in pain, the structural limitations and imbalances of the pelvic and thoracic area need to be addressed. This will result in a total structural balance that supports the neck, enabling the neck to maintain its new pain-free structure.

SET was developed by Don McCann, MA, LMHC, and LMT in 1978 and is constantly in a state of evolution. SET integrates cranial structural techniques, structural integration techniques, myofascial unwinding, neuromuscular applications, myofascial restructuring, emotional energy release, acupressure, kinesiology and muscle testing, passive and active resistance, postural analysis, scar tissue and adhesion release, deep tissue therapy and rehabilitative massage.

What to Expect During a SET Treatment

A SET session begins with an evaluation that includes a written client intake form, a consultation to further assess the client’s condition, and postural analysis. Treatments usually begin with cranial structural therapy to initiate a release of the body’s holding patterns, and thereby begin the re balancing. At this point, the client’s body begins to unwind. This often releases enough tension to noticeably reduce spasms and pain, preparing the soft tissue for more extensive work.

Following the cranial releases, the SET therapist then addresses the specific tissues holding the distortions in the body using very thorough and specific protocols.

Each additional session starts with an evaluation of the client’s progress, both subjectively and objectively. This is followed with a postural analysis to determine the limiting factor affecting recovery, and muscle testing to verify postural analysis observations. The treatment process is the same as in the first session, addressing the specific patterns and restrictions presented at the time.

After SET Treatments

As the structure integrates into balance and support, clients will usually start to use their bodies more completely in their normal day-to-day activities. At this point, their bodies need to be strengthened to support their new structurally aligned posture. It is important for the clients to be aware that they may not be as strong as they feel, and to allow time to build strength before using their bodies in maximum effort (either in strength or endurance). If they overdo, they usually collapse back to their old structure and end up in pain, or strain muscle fibers that are not conditioned for heavy work. Exercises to strengthen the (intrinsic) stabilizing muscles are more helpful than exercises that strengthen the (extrinsic) muscles, large muscle groups, which move the body.

Sessions are scheduled based on the client’s needs. In the early stages of treatment, clients may need to see the therapist as often as twice a week to initiate the tissue and structural changes. As the client’s symptoms abate and structure is balanced, the sessions are optimally scheduled once a week. As a client maintains the new structure pain-free for a week, scheduling increases to ten days. When the client maintains the structure pain-free for ten days, scheduling moves to every two weeks, and so on as needed.

SET addresses a host of conditions including headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, nerve entrapment, hip pain, knee pain, back pain, herniated or bulging discs, hiatal hernia, sciatica, arthritis, scoliosis, TMJ, fibromyalgia, tendinitis, whiplash, and many other complaints. Acute and chronic pain conditions are treated with the client’s needs in mind.


Common Painful Conditions serviced at

Common Painful Conditions

There are many different types of painful conditions that can be treated with massage therapy. Below is a list of common painful conditions that the Massage Therapists at Creative Bodyworks | Orlando Massage can provide relief from.

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